Using RSS with Youtube

Using RSS with Youtube

Hi there! For my first post out there, I would like to share with you this little trick that I found.

I'm using a self-hosted RSS feed reader (FreshRSS) to subscribe to the websites I'm interested in. It's nice and convenient because I can read all the articles and news waiting for me from any terminal. It just needs a web browser.

However, until recently, this setup was not covering Youtube channels, as I used the built-in subscription system. I thought Youtube was not providing RSS feeds.

It turns out that I was wrong, according to the documentation. It says that you just have to put the channel URL in your RSS feed reader, but it did not work with mine. The document also states that one can import all its subscriptions thanks to an OPML file available here. While it solved my problem, you probably don't want to:

  1. Subscribe to the channel in Youtube
  2. Export the OPML file from your account
  3. Import it in your feed reader

each time you want to add a channel. Maybe you don't want to use a Youtube account at all!

Good news, by looking at the OPML file content, it's easy to find out that the RSS feed for a single channel is:<Channel ID>

Hope this helps!

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash